Posted by Data in Crush2D, Planetoid Pioneers - February 12th, 2014
Just a quick status update on Planetoid Pioneers.. we are having a problem:
It’s too much fun messing around in it that some of us on the team (read: me) are getting distracted from actually getting work done:
Planetoid Pioneers New Test Scene
(the game is actually running at a much higher framerate than the 15FPS captured in this gif)

However, our tools are reaching a quite sophisticated level of polish, so they’re pretty fun to work in too:
Robot joint editor

Another quick update: our Twitter stream has now been fixed so it will yet again announce all our code checkins
for both Cortex Command and Planetoid Pioneers.. stay tuned to it for the latest tidbits:

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4 Responses to “Having a bit too much fun with Planetoid Pioneers”

  1. Brent - # February 12th, 2014 at 7:07 pm

    You guys need to somehow market this game as the new Happy Wheels 😀
    It’s never the deeply awesome games that go viral..

  2. haloman - # February 12th, 2014 at 11:22 pm

    what fuck happy wheels this game is gona be awsome the way it is DR dont have time for this shit

  3. Jabberwok - # February 13th, 2014 at 12:27 pm

    Loved the livestream you did the other day, especially with all of the design info and planning. Sounds really interesting. I’m also wondering whether this game might be set in the same universe as Cortex Command…

  4. Ikaruga - # February 13th, 2014 at 1:08 pm

    Is there such a thing as having too much fun ?