Posted by Data in Cortex Command - July 21st, 2006


IGFOk folks, here’s the rough plan for what we’ll be spending the last precious weeks on before it’s time to submit CC for next year’s Independent Games Festival:


  • Week 1 (next week): Finish data structure overhaul, including data module support (see next post).
  • Week 2: Rework and tune the locomotion logic and physics to make it more intuitive and fun.
  • Week 3: Continue work on the locomotion. The goal is to, by any means necessary, virtually eliminate sticking and snagging of characters to the terrain.
  • Week 4: Get the in-game GUI up and running, the main goal being to implement a working buy menu so the brain can order new guys and supplies.
  • Week 5: Continue work on the menus and GUI. Start work on reimplementing audio.
  • Week 6: Get a new spacecraft in the game.. going to be a supply ship. Tune and also work on gameplay logic. Finish up audio.
  • Week 7: Polish anything that needs it and package for the submission!

Well, as you can see, we have our work cut out for us. Please leave comments on whether you think we’re missing or not allocating enough time for something critical you’d really like improved.

Back to work!

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5 Responses to “7 weeks to IGF submissions!”

  1. linongion - # July 22nd, 2006 at 12:00 am

    Not a bad game plan, for planning a game.
    you may want to edit the map slightly where it overlapps.

  2. glo - # July 22nd, 2006 at 1:57 am

    You never know, something you didnt plan may come up and require more time to work on.
    Id suggest finishing everything up a bit before you send it off to IGF.
    Anyway good luck! if you need any help at all, we are here.

  3. gnat - # July 22nd, 2006 at 4:49 am

    >> You never know, something you didnt plan may come up and require more time to work on.
    >>Id suggest finishing everything up a bit before you send it off to IGF.

    Hehe I totally agree. You wouldn’t believe how close I cut the deadline one IGF way back.. 😉

    Good luck dan, really looking forward to it.

  4. Ryan A - # July 23rd, 2006 at 11:35 pm

    I wish your team the best of luck! I will be rooting for yall as well as CC.

  5. Fat Zombie - # July 26th, 2006 at 2:07 pm

    Yes, good luck and let’s hope you make that deadline!