Archive for February, 2011

Posted by Data in Cortex Command - February 23rd, 2011

Two of the guys on the official Data Realms content production team, Chris “Capn-Bubs” Mansell and Elliot “TheLastBanana” Colp, have made a cool Unity game together. This is their own creation separate from Data Realms, but it’s pretty neat with excellent effects and animation, so I recommend you check it out and vote for it on Kongregate!

You can also follow their development on their own development blog. My hat’s off to these guys who once again show that they not only have great talent, but they put it to use by actually making something of their own!

Posted by Data in General DRL - February 3rd, 2011

Data Realms on TwitterJust wanted to give a heads up that we have now directly connected our internal Subversion repositories to Twitter, so that you can see what we are doing on our various projects on a daily basis! Follow us here, or just keep an eye on the top edge of this Dev Log page. Each tweet is prefixed with a name which shows the area the commit happened in, as follows:

  • CCData: Game data content of Cortex Command
  • CCSource: Source code of Cortex Command
  • CVESource: Source code of Cave Vehicle Engine

This should do a better job of informing everyone who wants to keep closer tabs on our progress, while not requiring any additional work for us on the dev/content team (we write these commit log messages anyway!)