Posted by Data in Cortex Command - June 3rd, 2012

// Class: Atom
// Description: A point (pixel) that tests for collisions with a BITMAP's drawn
// pixels, ie not the key color. Owned and operated by other objects.
// Parent(s): Serializable.
// Class history: 02/22/2001 Atom created.

Above is how it all started, eleven and a half years ago. The Atom class was one of the first pieces of code I wrote for the Retro Terrain Engine, the custom, bitmap-based physics engine that Cortex Command is built upon.

This is the LAST public test build of this project, folks. The next one is going to be 1.0! This is a big milestone for us, and we’re proud and excited about how it has turned out. I will post a clip going through the new stuff (5 hour video?) soon. Just know that if you bought any version of the game before we switched to the Humble Store, you can log in with your old license key as password here:

The game is completely DRM-free these days, so the key is only good for getting access to the download. You can also change it to whatever other password you’d like.

For Humble Bundle/Store customers, the new build will be available on the same page as you downloaded it from before, as soon as those fine gentlemen roll out of bed this morning.

Posted by Data in Cortex Command - May 30th, 2012

UPDATE: We are working on some bugs that reared their ugly heads last minute.. If the release happens today, it’ll be later in the day. Sorry!

UPDATE2: First release candidate for build27 has been committed for testing and porting to the fairer platforms (OSX and linux). Won’t be long now.. if our webserver holds. Remember, if you bought from the Humble Bundle or Humble Store, you can get the new version on the same page as you did before when the new build drops! (please don’t hammer our site)

Enjoy this rough and uncut video of an entire campaign game against an A.I. opponent in Test Build 27, which is coming out on June 1st

Posted by Data in Cortex Command - June 2nd, 2011

Hey gang, today I want to direct your attention to this very interesting project that I am personally excited about and feel has a lot of potential:

As you can see, it’s a very impressive voxel, or ‘atom’-based 3D engine running smoothly on regular medium-spec hardware. The advantages and gameplay possibilities enabled by simulating the interior volume of the game world’s terrain and objects (as opposed to only the surfaces like in most games) should be clear to any fan of Cortex Command, Minecraft or Terraria – games entirely built around freely digging into and building with a world’s atomic matter of different materials.

As challenging as it has been for me to build a custom 2D physics engine to handle destructible atomic terrain in Cortex Command, I can appreciate the very promising progress that Branislav Síleš, sole author of the Atomontage Engine, has made on tackling the third dimension at such high (and variable) resolution! Check out this video where he shows off how the volumetric matter can be removed to expose hidden structures beneath:

Amazing stuff! This is still an early prototype with only a solo man working on it, but I would love to see this technology mature to a point where we could one day use it to develop a future sequel of Cortex Command (3D? ;)).. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to build an underground bunker in one of those gorgeous, procedural hills and defend it against enemy forces landing from orbit?!

If you’re feelin’ me, then I urge you to consider donating and supporting Branislav’s project here! It will improve the chances of him not having to take on outside investment in exchange for control/ownership of his project – something that probably would hurt the chances of a CC 3D happening. In other words: let’s help him stay indie!

Posted by Data in Cortex Command - May 28th, 2008

Here’s another interview of me by the indie scene scoopmaker Tim W. at This one is more about the development than the game itself, which complements the previous interview well.

The big news Tim breaks is that we now have a very experienced guy actually working on the Mac OSX port of Cortex Command! After many years in the ‘big’ games industry, Chris Kruger recently left his position at Rockstar Games to pursue freelance programming on his own. We are very fortunate to have him working with us on our project, and all you Mac users out there will soon be battling it out on your native platform!

Chris is one of those guys who actually enjoy porting games, so there’s a good chance other target platforms will be within our reach as well. Stay tuned…

Posted by Data in Cortex Command - May 30th, 2007

Ship GibsI know some of you are really getting anxious about a new build; here’s the situation:

Up till now the test builds have been a great way for us to evaluate what works and what doesn’t, and with the great community feedback and support we have an idea of what you like too.

Even though the tests have been fun to play in their own right, they were little more than half-finished game engines with some temporary data thrown in to try the different systems out. They did not really represent the larger gameplay design we have planned for the final product. Sure, the gun battles and basic elements are there, but the base building phase and more emphasis on strategy and tactics over twitchy action wasn’t.

Now that we have a framework and and idea of what’s fun, it’s time to build the real game. The project is at a point where we’re taking apart and rebuilding a lot of areas, and replacing most of the old temporary test data with fresh new art assets. It’s just not conducive to putting out tests as frequently as some of you have become used to.

Another reason for not putting out new builds while we’re changing things so drastically is that each one would break all the mods that are already out there.

So, while I will try to keep this devlog a little more frequently updated on things we’re working on, don’t expect test builds nearly as often as before. There may only be one or two left before we put out a version that really starts to look like the final product.

If you can’t handle the waiting, then why not submit your email address above, and give it a break. You’ll get an email every time anything new is announced.